December 13, Growing Kids

VVL Community Garden

Growing Kids:  Weed, Seed, Feed.  Then... Winter Harvest.  How much food have we grown?

December 2023 Club Meeting

VVL Community Garden

December Club Meeting: Garden Club holiday Harvest.  Learn how to harvest and process herbs, blanching broccoli for storage.

January 3, Growing Kids

VVL Community Garden

Growing Kids: Weed, Seed, Feed.  More harvesting... then, Square foot planning for Spring!

January Officer’s Meeting

Rachel's House 1333 N Cliffside Dr, Gilbert, Az, United States

Officer's Meeting

Rose Garden Prune Back 1

VVL Rose Garden

Rose Garden Work Weekend- we need all the help we can get doing a major prune back of the Roses for their winter hibernation.  This is a massive undertaking and requires many days of labor and many hands.  Please join our thorn birds (community volunteers) and help us manage this beloved community amenity.

January 17, Growing Kids

VVL Community Garden

Growing Kids: Weed, Feed, Seed.  Then... Another Seedling Take home project!

Rose Garden Prune Back 2

VVL Rose Garden

Rose Garden Work Weekend- we need all the help we can get doing a major prune back of the Roses for their winter hibernation.  This is a massive undertaking and requires many days of labor and many hands.  Please join our thorn birds (community volunteers) and help us manage this beloved community amenity.

January Club Meeting

VVL Community Garden

VVL Garden Club- January Meeting.  Topic: What bugs ya?  Lessons we've learned about dealing with insects.

January 31, Growing Kids

VVL Community Garden

Growing Kids: Clearing the beds, spring time soil amendments.